Wednesday, October 28, 2009

Monkey Balls

Interesting .... a wise women introduced me to this .. now if I could introduce her to the lifestyle

Rambutans are grown in Thailand as well as Malaysia, Indonesia, the Philippines, and Australia. Most rambutans are red, but in Malaysia a smaller, yellow rambutan can also be found. Rambutans grow in clusters on evergreen trees, and are hairy-looking exotic wonders!
Buying Tips: Rambutans can be purchased in North America at Asian markets and Asian/Chinese food stores - look for them in the produce section. When buying rambutans, look for bright red skin. A little orange or yellow on the skins in addition to red is okay, but green skins mean the rambutans are unripe. Don't buy rambutans that have turned black or have a lot of black "hairs", as this indicates they are over-ripe.
Health Benefits: Rambutans are high in vitamin C, plus copper, manganese, and trace elements of many other nutrients such as potassium, calcium, and iron.

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